Émigration immigration … same same, but different!

Growing up in 2 different countries allowed me to experience 2 cultures but at the same time I somehow missed out on the foundation of the English language. I constantly confuse words like where and were, past and passed, there and their and many more.

When people asked me if I was a Miss or a Mrs I would simply say “not married” because I could never remember the correct answer. I then created a method of remembering . If you are not married you are “missing” something therefore you are a MISS. Hmmm come to think of it why don’t men have Mr and Mrmiss? Or something like that ?

Anyway, I am married now so I am a Mrs. Crazy English language.

Sayings like “hit the nail on the head” “sight for sore eyes” I never get them right or use them at the appropriate times. I kept on telling people I am a “sight for sore eyes” whenever I felt like a mess. No one ever corrected me until one day My hubby explained the difference to me. So embarrassing! English idioms make me feel like an idiot!

And recently the pain (bane) of my existence (Oops, got that wrong too) …. am I emigrating or immigrating. So I would simply say “we are moving to the UK”.

Wikipedia “Emigration is the act of leaving a resident country or place of residence with the intent to settle elsewhere (to permanently leave a country). Conversely, immigration describes the movement of people into one country from another (to permanently move to a country).” So I have emigrated and immigrated at the same time !?

We finally received our container with our household contents. Oh my fuzzy green hat. Why did we bring so much ? We thought we were being conservative but as it turns out we brought way too much.

Minimalism for my kids. So that they learn that experiences are more valuable than possessions. And how better you teach them than by example? Best I get started because I have failed miserably.

When we first arrived we had a few essentials from my family who prepared our house before we moved in. And it was perfect. It reminds me of you little we actually need. It’s so easy to get carried away and have so much more than we actually need. Minimalism is all about living with less. That’s my goal from now on!

The house we are renting in the UK has absolutely no storage space. It seems to be the norm her but I’m not sure, I’ve only been here a month. Having no wardrobes has been very challenging.

Fr Justin is using one of the living rooms as his studio. Have a look at his work (studiosanctus). So space is really limited.

4 days later and I think we are 99% there. The house looks neat and we somehow managed to pack everything away neatly. It was a challenge with 2 kids!!! insane really. I need a holiday ah ha ha !

My advice for anyone emi or immi “grating” is …. unless it’s irreplaceable, very expensive or has serious sentimental value, DONT bring it! Start fresh. And with the money you save on paying for the container and the insane insurance, re-invert your space and start again!

Next blog post “from Hadedas to Seagulls”

Published by korinak

Greek Orthodox working mom. Greek South African living in the UK, trying to find a balance in this crazy world we live in

One thought on “Émigration immigration … same same, but different!

  1. Nice read, I learnt something new today, didn’t know the difference between immigration and immigration. Look forward to the next post on Hadedas 🙂

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